Bill Haley Dead Rocker --All 3 versions!.....Black mesh, black grid, red mesh horizontals. Sweet, no?
Dark haired surfer guitar, and the fish guitar
Large orange logo, 3 Line china, original no-name guitar, mesh back
Outrigger logo, and a World Championship of Surfing, 1990 logo.
I've got both eyeball & mesh back of the '90 championship. Small difference in the crossed surfboards, not much more
Here's the 1991 Championship of Surfing, North Shore. White horizontal Les Paul, mesh back
Here's the Red drums mesh back, blue drums eyeball back
large orange logo, small grid small box 3LT, Orange behind HR, -AND- same but med. box 3LT
New old stuff, just in!!!
Some of these pins are still in original packaging....that's why the scans may be kind of fuzzy!